IHData Analyst

IHDataAnalyst V1.37

The IHDataAnalyst (professional; IHDA) – Windows 10 and 11 – includes all of the features of the popular free Excel spreadsheet IHStats.xls in addition to Censored Data Analysis and Bayesian Decision Analysis. It is capable of analyzing from 1 to 2000 cases. The output can be exported to a built-in text editor, which then can be saved and recalled as a rich text file (rtf). In addition, all statistical output and graphs can be copied into a wordprocessor or slide presentation.

To see an introductory video click on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj2jXnt1W3U

REGISTERED USERS: Do not download the trial version.  Download the latest version of the IHDA program using the instructions provided at the time of purchase.  To request replacement download & install instructions send us a message using the “Contact” form.  (Use your Registered Email address and include your Registered Name in the “message” section.)

IHDataAnalyst – Student 2020

The IHDataAnalyst-Student (IHDA-S) is a less capable, beginner version of the IHDataAnalyst.

NOTE: The IHDA-S is provided as a courtesy to EHS students and attendees of the EAS Inc. PDCs and courses. There is no customer support; however, if you experience computer-related problems using the program or feel that the results are in error please send an email to EAS Inc.

DO NOT use for professional purposes (i.e., where you are compensated by your employer or a client).

It provides nearly all of the features of the popular Excel spreadsheet IHStats.xls, but also include the basic methods of Censored Data Analysis and Bayesian Decision Analysis. Statistical output and graphs can be copied and pasted into a wordprocessor. It is capable of analyzing up to 25 measurements and has many features of the commercial version. It does not have any built-in reporting capabilities; however, the statistical output and graphs can be copied and pasted into a wordprocessor or slideshow.

The full, commercial version has numerous additional capabilities that permit the user to better analyze exposure data, particularly censored data, as well a report generation feature that eases the task of documenting a statistical analysis and generating a final report.

Details – IHDataAnalyst (Professional)

  • Data entry
    • Data are entered using an Excel-like data grid and saved in standard Excel (1997-2003) *.xls format
    • Copy and paste from Excel
    • Handles up to 2000 measurements
  • Statistics:
    • Non-parametric (order) statistics
    • Descriptive statistics
    • Compliance statistics
    • Non-parametric compliance statistics
  • Goodness-of-fit analysis
    • Subjective (graphical analysis)
    • Objective (formal statistical tests for goodness-of-fit)
  • Censored Data Analysis
    • Statistical analysis of censored datasets (i.e., datasets that contain
  • Bayesian Decision Analysis
    • Calculation of probability that the true exposure profile is in a specific AIHA exposure control category or an EU Hazard Band
    • Select the appropriate class of respirator (i.e., Assigned Protection Factor)
    • Limit the analysis to a plausible parameter space
    • Professional judgment can be explicitly factored into the calculations
    • Adjustment for censored (i.e., <LOD) data
  • High resolution, customizable graphs
  • Report generator and editor:
    • Build a customized report, selecting only the relevant statistics and graphs
    • Edit and save as a rich text file (i.e., rtf file)

Download Area

IHData Analyst

Current Version


Download: Example Report

IHDA - Student

Current Version

V 2020

Version History

List of Version Improvements and Fixes

Recent Changes and Fixes

– changed the program activation procedure

July 25, 2019 – V1.36
– minor fixes to the BDA and BDA PPE bar labels
– minor rearrangements of the options for BDA and BDA PPE

January 7, 2019 (V1.35)
– Control+o and Control+a can be used to active the File Open and File Save functions
– added a “PDF Help” menu item under “Help”

May 4, 2018
– Fixed (?) display issues on high resolution screens.

September 22, 2017
– Fixed issue with the MLErm Censored Data Analysis method where it go into an infinite loop.

January 16, 2017
-The program can now be resized to fit the screen.  Hopefully this will fix the display issues reported by a few users.

April 1, 2015
– recomplied; help file was edited

(previously released as the IHDataAnalyst-LiteEdition)

June 10, 2014 – V1.30
– minor changes to the interface to reduce the probability of the display issues experienced by a few users.

April 21, 2014 – V1.29
– minor changes to the interface and messages to the user: e.g., replaced “LOD” with “Detection Limit”.

March 10, 2013 – V1.28
– Fixed error in the display of the MLE curve in the CDA log-probit chart. The calculated statistics were correct, but the curve was incorrectly displayed.

December 17, 2012 – V1.27
– Fixed the confidence limit calculation whenever MLE was selected as the CDA method.
– Fixed the confidence limit calculation for the mean and standard deviation. If the dataset was censored the user can specify the calculation of confidence intervals using overall sample size or the just the number of detects. This option did not work with the mean and standard deviation, which used the full sample size regardless of the user settings.
– Fixed the repeat printing of the sample GSD when the user calculates statistics.

August 25, 2011 – V1.25
– Added the MLE Censored Data Analysis method option.
– Added a warning whenever the sample GSD is greater than 75% of the maximum GSD for Parameter Space. The warning now gives the sample GSD as well as GSDmax.

September 18, 2007 – V1.05
– Changed the End-user License Agreement and Disclaimer.
– Improved the data grid by adding the Control-C, -X, and -V shortcut keys for copying, cutting, and pasting.
– Reduced the maximum sample size to 25 and removed the MLE Censored Data Analysis method option.

July 1, 2007 – V1.04
– Minor changes in the code, making it consistent with the IHDA (commercial version).
– Automatic detection of the regional setting for the decimal separator.
– Minor improvements in the graphs, making them consistent with those in the IHDA.

May 30, 2007 – V1.03
– Added X markers in the GOF graphs to indicate nondetects (i.e., censored data).
– Edited the CDA portion of this help manual.

April 9, 2007
– minor improvements in the code
– changed the labels in various tabs to make them consistent with the commercial version (IHDA).

Feb 1, 2007
– Version 1.0 was released.

Jan 31, 2007
– An option to pick the Final Rating and Certainty Level was added to the BDA output page
– The algorithm for calculating the histogram was modified. Each bar indicates the number of measurements that are less than the upper boundary of the bar (rather than less than or equal to as in the earlier version) and equal to or greater than the lower boundary (rather than greater than as in the earlier version).
– Miscellaneous minor improvements were made to the beta version.
– The text of the Help file was reviewed and edited.

Sep 2006
– For international users we added the option to use the comma as the decimal separator (see Options/General tab).
– We added the option to save as defaults the number of decimal places and significant digits.

(Between early 2005 and Jan 2007 the IHDA-LE was available as a beta version.)

System Requirements

  • Pentium Processor
  • 512MB RAM
  • XGA Monitor (i.e., 768×1024) or higher
  • Vista, System 7, Windows 10
