Web Professional Development Course

Contact EAS Inc. for an estimate if you are interested in a Web PDC for your company’s EHS professionals and technicians. The content can be customized to the intended audience, the date and time can be adjusted to fit your schedule, and the travel costs are minimized or eliminated.

The Web PDC class size is limited. Registration closes when the maximum class size is reached or 48 hours prior to the start of the PDC.

Class List

NOTE: The registration and participation policy for each Web PDC is the same as for a fixed location or on-site PDC. Each particpant must register. Registration is per participant, not per viewing site. Only those registered should view and particpant in the WebPDC.

Request an estimate by clicking contact below.

Onsite Professional Development Course

While web-based training has its advantages, we find that a traditional onsite PDC – with workshops and examples pertinent to your industry or business – is often the best way to teach topics such as IH statistics, data interpretation, and decision making. In addition, an onsite PDC help you minimize your overall travel costs while maximizing the learning experience. EAS Inc. is ready to help with your IH statistics training needs.


  • One to several day PDCs
  • Focused on emphasiz decision making in the context of the AIHA Exposure Assessment and Management Model
  • Each PDC is eligible for ABIH Certification Maintenance points
  • Course content can be customized and matched to the background of the participants
  • An onsite course minimizes travel expenses for participants
  • Client is responsible for printing class handouts, obtaining a meeting room, room setup, projection equipment, refreshments, etc.
  • Possibilty for about combining onsite training with periodic retraining via web-based training

Request an estimate by clicking contact below.